North East Derbyshire resident success with new business

Jan 24, 2019

Francesca McCann started a new business “Francesca’s Recruitment” based in Grassmoor, at the beginning of May 2021, after having been made redundant from her previous work due to the Pandemic.

After having thought about setting up on her own long and hard, she decided to go for it!

A year later, Francesca’s business is thriving, and she even has plans to employ more people in the future.

She said: “I absolutely wouldn’t look back and this is really the best thing I have ever done. I can’t see myself going back to working for someone else. I’ve been operating my business from home, but am at the point now where I am looking for premises and hoping to be able to recruit someone to work with me.”

Part of Francesca’s journey has been advice and guidance from the Vision Derbyshire Business Start Up Scheme.

Francesca started working with a specialist business adviser with the scheme in November as she was wanting to find out more about employing someone and looking for premises.

Sarah Smith supported Francesca with business planning and cash flow. Francesca said: “Sarah was a great sounding board, and it was great to be able to talk through lots of different ideas, and have an independent viewpoint. I’ve now got a great toolkit which will stand me in good stead for the future.”